The Data Science and Health (DASH) Cluster is supporting our trainees including Rohit Singla, Olivia Yau, Minnie Teng, and Mishal Ashraf in their initiatives to promote data literacy and AI education for Canadian medical trainees. Led by Rohit, they collaborate with like-minded medical students across Canada as part of the AI Medical Student Society (AIMSS) in promoting and conducting AI research and education.
Their group has wrapped up their most recent project led by Minnie Teng, conducting a national survey to collect current opinions of medical and allied healthcare trainees on AI in medicine, and how it may affect our future careers. This manuscript has been accepted to Nature Communications Medicine and JMIR Medical Education. Other commentaries and opinion pieces regarding AI ethics, AI education, and data literacy are also under review.
Other than research, they are proud to present their widely-acclaimed Intro to AI in Medicine workshop series designed together with collaborators from UBC's Biomedical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence (BMIAI) Research Cluster and a Vanier Scholar, Prashant Pandey, as well as Ricky Hu and Zoe Hu from Queen's University School of Medicine. This series is delivered twice a year to Canadian medical students interested in AI in Medicine and have research over 500 medical student participants over the past 3 years.
Most recently, several of DASH trainees hosted the 2nd annual national AIMSS Meeting with student representatives from 10 Canadian medical schools, where they continued to foster collaborations with other medical institutions and discussed an action plan to establish a standardized AI curriculum in medicine across Canada.
Rohit, Olivia and their crew are well-positioned now as national leaders in medical AI education among medical trainees.