August 25, 2023
On behalf of UBC’s School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME), we invite you to submit a project proposal to the Engineers in Scrubs program (EiS). EiS is a specialization in SBME's graduate program that trains students to be leaders in medical innovation with a design process that emphasizes impactful translation and collaboration with clinical stakeholders.  At the heart of EiS is a team-based project course, where students work on clinical engineering design projects based on needs solicited from the medical community in BC and beyond.
Welcoming its 13th cohort this September, EiS is seeking outstanding clinical problems that may have engineering solutions. Participating clients have benefitted by receiving custom solutions and prototypes. Exceptional successes from EiS include deployed solutions, including the Arbutus Medical drill cover, which enables orthopedic surgeries to be performed safely using ordinary hardware store drills, and AccessiBelt, a device to help people with impaired hand function fasten and unfasten seatbelts.
You may submit a proposal by filling out this submission form at your earliest convenience, and a member of the EiS instructional team will follow up with you. More information about the program and submitting a proposal can be found in the attached overview.
If you have any questions or would like assistance developing an idea, please reach out to the course instructors directly

  • Announcement

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