Filter or select from the list below to learn more about our cluster members and trainees.
Mishal Ashraf
Master of Science Trainee, Experimental Medicine
Dr. Najib Ayas MD, MPH
DASH Cluster Leads; Associate Head of Research
Department of Medicine
Dr. Parveen Bhatti PhD
Distinguished Scientist & Scientific Director BC Generations Project
Darlene Dai MSc, PhD candidate
Department of Medicine
Dr. Denise Daley
Department of Medicine
Gurm Dhugga
Associate Director, Research and Digital Technology
Nader Fallah PhD
Adjunct Professor
Associate Director, Praxis Artificial Intelligence
Division of Neurology
Alexandra (Lexie) Flatt MBA
Vice President, Pandemic Response, Chief Data Governance & Analytics Officer
Terri Flemming
Director, Research Ethics BC
Freddy Francis
PhD Trainee, Experimental Medicine
Andrew Fullerton MPH Student
Master's of Public Health Student
School of Population and Public Health
Dr. David Granville PhD, FAH
Executive Director, VCHRI
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine