Filter or select from the list below to learn more about our cluster members and trainees.
Dr. Shannon Kolind
MRI Physicist, UBC MRI Research Centre
Dr. Rich Lester MD
Director, Infectious Disease Research; Director, Neglected Global Diseases Initiative; Consultant, BC Centre for Disease Control
Division of Infectious Diseases
Holly Longstaff
Director, Privacy and Access, Research and New Initiatives
Dr. Christina Luong MD, MHSc, FRCPC, Cardiologist
Clinical Assistant Professor
Division of Cardiology
Kim McGrail PhD
Director of Research, UBC Health; Scientific Director, Population Data BC & Health Data Research Network
School of Population and Public Health
Henry Ngo PhD
Data and Analytics Team Lead, Population Health Surveillance & Epidemiology
Savvas Nicolaou MD FRCPC
Director, Emergency and Trauma Imaging, VGH
Department of Radiology
Juma Orach PhD student
Department of Medicine
Brent Parker JD, MSc
Legal Counsel